Want to increase sales and conversion rates in your store?
We want too! That’s why in today’s blog we will introduce you to some of the most important factors in WordPress product pages!
Why do we need to Customize WordPress Product Pages
The product page is the most valuable content in your online Woocommerce store. The problem is that for this page to sell well it must be optimized to sell.
If your product pages are unique and in addition to attracting the customer’s attention, make them buy more often, this will lead to more sales, right? And if a customer is satisfied and returns, again and again, you will earn even more.
One of the most important factors in increasing conversions is loading speed.
Good speed optimization and website performance of an online store Woocommerce leads to an increase in trust. No one wants to wait 1 minute for their page to load. Everything should happen in the first 3-4 seconds so as not to lose the customer’s attention.
What is the most important thing after loading speed?
Product images are the thing that always makes an impression on a potential customer.
If your product image is pixelated the customer won’t even bother to read the description let alone order the product even if they desperately need it. The first thing that will pop into his head will be: Oh, this is a scam, better look elsewhere.
But when the product images are of high quality, it will increase the customer’s trust in you and your product. It will make him read the description and even buy from you.
Some online stores even add videos below the descriptions to show the potential customer how the product performs in real conditions, strengthening trust and sales.
Here is an example of a very well-structured product page that is sure to sell

By a well-structured page, I mean that the way everything is presented makes it easier for the potential customer to familiarize himself with the product.
-High-quality images.
-Reviews from customers increase confidence.
-Short description.
A marketing ploy was used to build trust in the product through social media posts.
Again, a short description and a video introducing the product and how to use it are added.
And now for an example of a poorly customized product page:

Let’s see what happens here!
Something for sale: Some kind of leather with a 2-word description. The placement of the text on sale is not in the right place and the price itself has a rather light shade that almost blends in with the background of the page. Product rating added but no reviews. The call to action button is so small that even in black it is hardly noticeable.
And now that we have product images, what’s next? We saw the image above and will take it as an example!
Description of the product!
A short and clear product description that describes the product, which should not lose the customer somewhere between the letters, but make him go to the next step. Actually, a purchase.
But we can also follow the example above and add a few more elements to build his trust or encourage him to watch the product video. After that, they will already be convinced that you are offering them something of really high quality.
But what is important in structuring the description?
In this case, we are talking about a product description: Here you need to be creative and at the same time the text is optimized for search engines to come out on top and take advantage of organic search.
If you are not sure which keywords to include in the description, Google Trends is your best friend.
We already know what we need and have seen two examples: One bad and one good.
It remains for us to customize our page so that, in addition to including the above, it is suitable for easy perception. If you are a person who wants to handle this task alone, you should consider not your wishes but what is good for the potential client because sometimes what is good for us is not good for our client.
If you think that this is a difficult task and you do not have the necessary time and knowledge: We offer Webstore development on the WordPress platform with WooCommerce integration.
We also offer a redesign of your current online store.
Sign up for a free consultation and increase your sales today!